Living and understanding the spirit, traditions, and culture of another country is a strong challenge for most people. Understanding the Danish way of living requires insight into everyday life in a Danish family. Making friends with Danes might sound simple. Unfortunately, the truth is that for most foreigners it is quite a difficult goal to reach. Most Danes do not hang out in cafés and pubs in the afternoon like in more southern countries. In the afternoon students work part-time jobs from a young age, do sports, do volunteer work, and chill with close family and friends. Many have the same friends for life and don’t extend the number that much…
So what to do if you actually would like to meet Danish families and understand everyday life from the inside? The answer could be to participate in “Local Living Events” where the students in pairs of 2-3 students visit a Danish family for dinner or lunch during a weekend. During the dinner the talk goes about observations about living and studying in Denmark, the family shared inputs from their daily life, traditions, work etc. In principle “nothing special” but just the random topics that are typically shared at a family dinner. In principle, the meeting is only one meeting, but if the chemistry is good, the students and the family can, of course, arrange more meetings afterward and let the meeting develop into a friendship. Alternatively, the student and families will be put together with other students and families for the next meeting
The concept is still an idea for members to be developed, but it is our intention to offer it for a limited number of students in 2023/24. The event dates will be published on the GKX Student Community FB page, as soon as we have cleared the details.