Need of other doctors or healthcare specialists
Teeth care is free till you turn 22 yrs if you make appointments at the municipal children's dentist care. In adult teeth care centers, teeth care is normally user-paid, and we advise you to ask before making an appointment as they are private businesses and work with different rules.
Students with bracelets: We encourage you to keep contact close to your local dentist/ specialist in your home country as most dentists don’t want to take over another dentist's teeth regulations.
Bonus info: If you are younger than 25 yrs old and have drawn health insurance from Sygeforsikring Danmark, you will get 100% coverage of all dentist treatments. The insurance costs around 200€ per year and also includes a subsidy for glasses, contact lenses, physiotherapy, psychology etc.
Physiotherapists, chiropractors, psychologists etc. are all user-paid, and you need your GP’s or another doctor's referral to go there.