As soon as you have received your CPR no (see step 2) we encourage you to download the app MitID on your mobile phone or Ipad as you will need it in a lot of situations to confirm your identity digitally. The Danes were introduced to the "digital identity" via a system called NemID (EasyID, red.) in 2010, and in 2022 it was replaced by MitID (MyID, red). For a limited transition period both systems has worked, but since the beginning of 2023 all sequre systems that require digital ID confirmation MitID has been able to use, and is now the only system that we recommend you to install.
MitID is working as your digital ID and it is your personal key to all digital services and webpages provided by the public sector, including all mails that you receive from the Danish goverment, your school, the healthcare system, your bank etc. It is sent to a highly secure mailbox called From here you can also sent sequre emails including personal sensible informations and documents to those institutions.
Registration/ confirmation: After downloading the MitID app, you must confirm your identity. If you have a mobile phone that can pay contactless and a passport with an ID chip, you can install it without visiting your local town hall again. Alternatively, you must book a time at the local town hall (Borger Service) and register yourself there. Please notice that in that case, you must come along with a victim who has a MitID and his/ her phone to confirm your identity.
Click here to go to MitID's webpage for more information and the instructions to register your personal MitID. At the bottom of the page, you can change the language to English.